Four Talks on the Fourth Dimension of Architecture: Foster + Partners with Meyer Sound
Sound as invisible architecture with Michael Jones of Foster + Partners with John & Helen Meyer of Meyer Sound
*EXTENDED* Flash Discount for Non-Profits & Academics to reSITE 2018 ACCOMMODATE
Are you a non-profit organization striving to make city-living better and interested in equity, sustainability, gentrification and affordable housing?
Four Talks on the Fourth Dimension of Architecture: Kjetil Trædal Thorsen
The Art of Prepositions with Snohetta architect, Kjetil Trædal Thorsen.
reSITE 2018 o hledání dobrého bydlení
Dostupné bydlení a bytová politika je vůbec největší zátěž, s níž se potýkají radnice všech velikostí ze všech koutů světa. Jak na to, bude řešit 50 světových špiček na 7. ročníku mezinárodní konference reSITE ACCOMMODATE 14. a 15. června v pražském Foru Karlín.
Four Talks on the Fourth Dimension of Architecture: Elizabeth Diller
Sound is Always There with architect Elizabeth Diller
Where Architects Dream #6: Elon Musk
Six takes on spaces in which these creative minds who design homes and review architecture projects, dream. Part 6 of 6
My City / Your City Salon #2 in Prague
All roads lead to innovation and to another full house for reSITE's second salon created in partnership with Airbnb called Urban Tech Pioneers
Where Architects Dream #5: On The Move
Six takes on spaces in which these creative minds who design homes and review architecture projects, dream. Part 5 of 6
reSITE Salon: Urban Tech Pioneers (Sold Out)
reSITE powers a second discussion salon in collaboration with Airbnb
Where Architects Dream #4: So Close, Yet So Far
Six takes on spaces in which these creative minds who design homes and review architecture projects, dream. Part 4 of 6