Vladimir Ledecky

Mayor Spissky Hrhov

Spissky Hrhov (SK)

Vladimir Ledecky is longstanding Mayor of Spissky Hrhov. He studied social work at Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra. During the studies he started to work in Research Institute in Piestany and as a service and export worker he served in many countries such as the Soviet Union, Yugoslavia and Syria. Since 1995 he worked as an advisor. In 1998 he was elected as Mayor of Spissky Hrhov. Since that moment the population in the village doubled, the employment rate lowered and the water and gas supply was improved. The World Bank report of 2012 mentioned Spissky Hrhov as an example of successful co-existence of the majority with Roma minority. Vladimir Ledecky is also focused on region developing activities. He is Chairman of Microregion Spisska obcina and since 2001 he is project manager of non-governmental Association for rehabilitation and development of Spis region. One of the projects he has led is Hrhov Workshop. Its aim, beside making and selling the goods, is to support and teach the traditional crafts. Vladimir Ledecky also deals with an employment. He serves as a member of Employment Commission at Office of Labour in Poprad and has created and implemented a number of projects dealing with employment of socially disadvantaged citizens.

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