Prague Hacks - Hackathon #1
"Prague Hacks: Improving City Life" at reSITE 2015: The Shared City festival. Those who joined the Hackathon proposed their own ideas for open-source, or business applications for that data, dividing themselves into teams to tackle different problems.
June 12-14, 2015/ Node5
Those who joined the Hackathon proposed their own ideas for open-source, or business applications for that data, dividing themselves into teams to tackle different problems.
Prague Hacks 2015, dubbed “Prague Hacks: Improving City Life,” was a non-profit event; the largest of its kind, and was held at the popular open working space Node5 as well as being live-streamed online. The City of Prague made available reams of data, including geodata, data on transport, crime and safety, elections and government, as well as land use, and more. The hackathon was organized in partnership with Otakar Motejla Foundation.
Apps Created
Naše školy [Winner]: Naše školy is a platform for open school data that are currently not standardized nor stored anywhere publicly and thus can’t be used for school comparisons, search of free spots, etc. We build a storage platform with API and a showcase app to demonstrate what can be build on a properly accessible school data. We have used Prague 7 and Prague 8 school data to start with.
Team: Marek Lisý, Šimon Rozsíval, Martin Egrt, Honza Kašpárek, Lenka Moutelíková, Tomáš Fejfar, Michal Zwinger
NeverRun: NeverRun is for everybody who commutes daily with public transport. It shows the position of transport vehicles all around you.. Now you know if you should rush to catch a metro train or relax instead.The team used data supplied by Magistrát hl. m. Prahy in order to simulate live server giving the position data of all means of transport.
NeverRunTeam: Jakub Žitný, Felix Palmer, Jaroslav Jirava, Petr Čmela, Lenka Vraná, Jan Sovka
WalkingAreas: WalkingAreas is a web mapping application that shows walking areas to Prague metro stops and selected train stations. In addition, each stop shows graphs of demographics The user of this app can click on the map to calculate walking areas and demographics in any location within the city of Prague.
Team: Arnošt Müller, Martin Tesař, Michal Med
Partici-pants: 67
21 start-ups
16 small-medium enter-prises
10 acade-mia
9 corpo-rate
9 free-lance
2 public sector