urbanACT Instant Park at Prague's Riverfront

The project met reSITE goals of providing an ecologically, socially and economically vibrant place that could activate the riverfront on all of those levels.

May 21-26, 2012 / Náplava, Prague

A Site-specific Urban Intervention On The Vltava Riverfront

A multidisciplinary student workshop was organized by students from the Faculty of Architecture at CVUT and Arts Management at University of Economics and co-hosted by reSITE and urbanACT. The workshop teams needed to be from diverse academic training and would need to work together to create a temporary urban intervention near the Vltava River.

The participants from various academic fields in the country proposed a site-specific urban intervention on the Vltava riverfront. The goal of the workshop was to design and construct an “instant park” on the Naplavka section of the Vltava river in Prague 2. Architects from Collaborative Collective / Czech Republic and Oximoron / Slovak Republic advised students participated in the workshop.

The workshop was organized with the help of Katerina Vondrová, Cyril Pavlů and Marek Prokůpek.

Image Credits: ©2012 Michal Grygar & urbanACT

Unforgettable People

Cyril Pavlu

Marek Prokupek

Katerina Vondrova


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