Play the City: Urban Game at reSITE

reSITE organized an urban planning game “Play the City” that involved up to 800 conference participants in an innovative gaming technique of collaborative city planning.

June 17, 2016 / Forum Karlin

Amsterdam-based urban game designer and architect Ekim Tan brought the biggest urban game ever to Prague. Hundreds of people were involved in a giant board game to plan the ideal city. It is called “Play the City.”

At this year’s reSITE, we decided to try an experiment. We organized a giant board game called “Play the City,” in which participants tried out different professional roles while planning a city. Game designer Ekim Tan from Amsterdam said that it was the first time she involved so many people in the game, which was played on 12 different massive game boards on the floor of the Forum Karlin venue. It has been the biggest game of its type ever organized, led by the game designer, urbanist and architect Ekim Tan.

For the first time, game designer Ekim Tan involved so many people in the game, which was played on 12 different massive game boards on the floor of the Forum Karlin venue.

Ekim Tan at reSITE 2016: Cities in Migration conference
Ekim Tan at reSITE 2016: Cities in Migration conference
We believe that games can help make better cities.
Ekim Tan, Play the City
“It does not mean that the game should offer only the one ‘right way’ to plan. There can be many good solutions when hearing from diverse stakeholders. The game rather creates unexpected partnerships and relationships and helps build mutual trust. And first of all, the game help to understand that the right solution starts with good communication.”
Ekim Tan, interview by Aktuálně.cz

Unforgettable People

Ekim Tan


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