reSITE 2013 "HUMAN SCALE" Film Premiere

Are cities for cars or for people?

June 21, 2013

Kino Světozor

Are cities for cars or for people?

It's quite a paradox that we know almost everything about cars in cities, but little about pedestrians and their behavior. Danish architect Jan Gehl, the world known pioneer in human oriented urban planning, has been looking at the other side of this paradox for more than 40 years.

The film screening was followed by a discussion with reSITE festival guests: Barbara Wilks, Igor Marko, Lukas Sokol and Osamu Okamura.

Andreas M. Dalsgaard /

Denmark / 77 min.

Release: November 2012

The Human Scale questions our assumptions about modernity, exploring what happens when we put people into the center of our equations. For 40 years the Danish architect Jan Gehl has systematically studied human behavior in cities. His starting point was an interest in people, more than buildings – in what he called Life Between Buildings.

Unforgettable People

Osamu Okamura

Barbara Wilks

Lukáš Sokol

Igor Marko

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