Shared Cities: Creative Momentum | Launch of Cities Magazine

Res Publica, Shared Cities: Creative Momentum and reSITE Festival organized the launch of the special edition of the prestigious CITIES MAGAZINE: "Shared Cities: Mapping the post-communist status-quo."

June 23, 2017
Goethe Institute-Prague

Res Publica, Shared Cities: Creative Momentum and reSITE Festival launched the special edition of the prestigious Cities Magazine - "Shared Cities: Mapping the post-communist status-quo" at Goethe Institute in Prague.

This first issue of the Cities Magazine depicts the social status quo of sharing in post-socialist world, and maps the current related projects that are shaping the new urban wave as well as the (urban) future in post-communist Europe.

Marta Żakowska (Editor-in-chief, Magazyn Miasta, Res Publica), Artur Celiński (Deputy Chairman of the Board, Res Publica), Martyna Obarska (Deputy Editor-in-chief, Magazyn Miasta) and Helena Duodova were among the guests of the event. The two extraordinary speakers, among many, of reSITE 2017: Invisible City festival, Tedy Cruz and Leni Schwendiger also joined to the launch event.

reSITE 2017 speaker Leni Schwendiger at the launch of Cities Magazine. foto (c) Stepan Pech
reSITE 2017 speaker Leni Schwendiger at the launch of Cities Magazine. foto (c) Stepan Pech
reSITE 2017 speaker Tedy Cruz at the launch of Cities Magazine. foto (c) Stepan Pech
reSITE 2017 speaker Tedy Cruz at the launch of Cities Magazine. foto (c) Stepan Pech

Unforgettable People

Teddy Cruz

Leni Schwendinger

Jakob Racek

Helena Doudova


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