Manifesto Market: First Impressions

Friday, June 8th, reSITE in collaboration with Aerofilms opens the first-ever cashless gastro design market in the heart of Prague

“A space that Prague was missing to be perfect.”
Visitor, Instagram
“Prostor, který Praze chyběl k dokonalosti.”
Návštěvník, Instagram
A forgotten and derelict spot in the very heart of Prague /.../ has completely changed since this Friday.
“Zapomenutý a zanedbaný kout stojí v samotném centru města na dohled od Masarykova nádraží podél ulice Na Florenci. Od pátečního podvečera se ale zásadně proměnil.”
This is the end of an unused wasteland full of garbage in the center of Prague /.../ where people were afraid to go. A vibrant container village has emerged on this spot, that is now full of life.
V centru Prahy přestalo existovat staré nevyužívané místo pod magistrálou, kde se pouze povalovaly odpadky a lidé se tam spíš báli. Místo něj tu vyrostlo pozoruhodné kontejnerové městečko „Manifesto Market“, které dýchá životem.
The operators of Manifesto have placed Prague next to London and Lisbon where similar concepts exist
Provozovatelé centra Manifesto tak symbolicky zařadili české hlavní město po bok Londýna a Lisabonu, kde podobné koncepce úspěšně fungují.
A Gastronomical Paradise Emerged in the Center of Prague
V Centru Prahy vyrostl gastronomický ráj
It's the first project of its kind in the Czech Republic.
V Česku jde o první takový projekt.

More from reSITE's urban project, Manifesto Market

reSITE's 5 Milestones of 2018

In 2018, reSITE has hosted an impressive roster of events featuring innovators and their impactful ideas on how to improve the urban environment. We have travelled to European and US cities, started and renewed important partnerships and put our hands on creating a physical, tangible space - Manifesto Market - which became a material extension of our philosophy. Here are 5 most important milestones and reasons why 2018 will be remembered.

2 months in, reSITE’s Manifesto Market is a New Magnet in Prague

Two months since its opening, Manifesto Market has made it to the hotlist of main attractions in the city of Prague. According to visitors and media, it's made Prague a cooler place to be.

How to create a lovely public space for winter

This coming holiday season, Prague will offer a brand new Christmas market experience curated by reSITE.

A City Called Manifesto.

Architect Martin Barry has dedicated years of his professional career to finding ways of improving life in cities. Now he has decided to put the theory into practice and turn one neglected corner of Prague into an unconventional gastronomic oasis - with the help of dozens of shipping containers, cultural events, and great food, bringing together several collaborators to make it happen. Original story by Veronika Miskovska for Proc Ne?! lifestyle magazine.

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